Fortunately the asset store moderators agreed with you and I and have removed the offensive review. The main criteria is that the code works, is bug free and fast enough to do the job. The rest is cosmetics and I've learnt far too many languages that are now historic curiosities to worry about correct coding styles or the latest conventions. By the time you are fully versed in a coding language another popular language takes its place; functional programming anyone? It's also hard to capitalize when companies like Google make services for modeling, website creation, analytics, etc, etc.
I agree that electronics/robotics are still burgeoning fields and will give rise to whole new markets for support personnel and other opportunities. The original definition of hacking will also be restored which first meant to tweak hardware to perform new tasks. There's no shortage of new fields coming out and you certainly have your ear to the ground for what is new and interesting judging from the research you have been following on
your Google account. I know that science and industry will continue to pop out new technologies all the time and you'll be right there to capitalize on it. It's not so much about the money anyway, but what is most perplexing is that the gap between earning nothing and a basic income is far greater than the gap between earning a basic income and a fortune.
Wump World, one of the most influential books I had read as a young boy. Great to see your reference to it